Travel trade events calendar
Encouraging visitors to choose Scotland
For Scottish tourism businesses, working with the travel trade can provide a key route to market for sustainable growth. With us as intermediaries, businesses can tap into wider distribution networks. It's all about promoting the right product or experience to the right consumer at the right time. Throughout the calendar year, we provide a range of valuable platforms to encourage engagement with travel trade.
Have you considered joining us at a trade event, exhibition, or business development mission? It is a cost-effective way of reaching the people you are wanting to target.
You could meet product developers from a particular visitor market. We also have opportunities to mix with travel trade contacts contracting globally.
We regularly update our list of travel trade events for Scottish tourism businesses to attend. Our team are happy to make introductions with key attendees.
Speak to your VisitScotland contact if you want to find out if a particular event is suitable for your needs.
Travel trade events
Travel trade events from our partners
Explore key travel trade events from our partners at VisitBritain, ETOA, and UKinbound. These include workshops, webinars, and exhibitions.
ETOA events programme
etoa.orgExplore the range of business-to-business events ETOA offers for tourism professionals.
VisitBritain events programme
visitbritain.orgRegister your interest for VisitBritain overseas development missions and events.
UKinbound events programme
ukinbound.orgView event opportunities for UKInbound members to grow their tourism business.