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Visit Scotland | Alba

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Scotland shines at events, hosting thousands of them, large and small, and in every corner of the country.

Over the years, the quality of food and drink served has come on leaps and bounds.

In fact, the eating experience plays a starring role at events of every type. Think sporting championships, literary and music festivals, Highland Games, and cultural extravaganzas.

That's not to mention specific culinary themed celebrations, such as street food awards, or seafood and wild food festivals.

The Festival is one of the largest outdoor food and drink events in Scotland. Showcasing the best of the country’s street food scene

Making the most of our natural larder

The value of the Scottish food & drink and tourism sector aims to unlock a £1 billion growth opportunity. In short, fresh, tasty, locally sourced produce and specialty dishes are important.

Caterers, organisers and producers caught on to this demand for food experience and are excelling at it, giving event goers a "taste of place".

By this, we mean serving food and drink from a particular region to make the visitor experience more satisfying and memorable.

Find out more about the sector's growth opportunity on

Read the food and drink industry strategy on

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