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15 Aug

Creating an effective email marketing strategy

15 Aug 2024 10:00
15 Aug 2024 12:00
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Customers buy from businesses that they know, like and trust. Email marketing is a powerful and affordable tool in your digital marketing toolkit to build these relationships.

Most businesses send monthly newsletters to stay in touch with their audience, but your results will improve with a structured plan and best practices. These will be explored in this webinar.

Whether you're new to email marketing or you're looking to optimise your email strategy, this session will enable you to:

  • adopt email marketing into your wider marketing strategy
  • gain insight into your target audience
  • understand the key stages of an effective marketing strategy
  • segment your audiences to target and position your offering to them effectively
  • create a value-driven and customer-focussed content for email marketing whilst measuring and testing its effectiveness
  • identify the most suitable platforms and tools for email marketing campaigns, including different paid-for account levels
  • optimise the different components of a successful email campaign
  • be compliant with legal requirements relating to email communications and use best practices for escaping the spam folder

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