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Visit Scotland | Alba
Article published 19/02/2024

To celebrate Scottish Gaelic Week (19 to 25 February), we caught up with HebCelt to find out more about their festival, their Gaelic connections and their plans to celebrate.

The Gaelic language and culture is an important part of the Outer Hebrides’ identity. Please can you tell us more about how this plays an important role in the festival?

HebCelt is a festival which draws upon the heritage and culture surrounding us and Gaelic has always been at the heart of it - it is in our blood. We are proud to be able to provide a platform for Gaelic artists, and to be able to showcase them to a wider audience at our main arena stages, as well as at An Lanntair Arts Centre and out in the community.

Throughout the Festival, we encourage folk to learn a bit of Gaelic as well, with workshops in conjunction with the University of Highlands and Islands. Our dedicated Gaelic Team are on hand through the week to teach and encourage folk to learn some phrases.

Band performing on stage at a festivalKinnaris Quintet on stage at HebCelt 2023 (credit: HebCelt)

Are you planning any celebratory activity around Scottish Gaelic Week?

For Scottish Gaelic Week, we’d love for folk to learn some new phrases that they can try out when they come and join us in Stornoway from 17th - 20th July! We’ll be sharing news on our line-up this week which will include some incredible Gaelic artists!

What Gaelic word or phrase would you use to describe HebCelt? Tell us about it.

“Fuaim na Samhraidh” ("Sound of the Summer")

Set in the heartland of Gaelic language and culture, on the Isle of Lewis, HebCelt has established itself as a festival with global appeal and a strong community identity. We are a friendly and welcoming festival which passionately protects and promotes its heritage, including the vibrant Gaelic and traditional music that is both part of its history and its contemporary life. HebCelt mixes the best local talent with leading Scottish, UK and world artists and brings together household names and emerging talent to provide a feast of music to appeal to all ages.

Person making a model of a festival site

Art Project with An Lanntair at main arena (credit: HebCelt)

Are there any other interesting facts or stories you would like to share about HebCelt festival, since it first evolved in 1996?

The Hebridean Celtic Festival Trust is a not-for-profit charitable organisation firmly rooted within its community and is almost entirely managed and produced by voluntary effort. Taking place over a four-day period every July, in its 25-year history, the festival has grown from a small event attracting less than 1,000 fans to an international showpiece for roots, Celtic and traditional music, with annual attendances topping 19,500. In that time, it has generated more than £34 million for the local economy, a fact we are very proud of.

We’ve had a whole host of artists of the highest calibre make their way to Lewis for our festival over the years – some of these include… Van Morrison, Saw Doctors, Julie Fowlis, Runrig, Capercaillie, La Bottine Souriante, Afro Celt Sound System and many more.

HebCelt 2024 will take place at Lews Castle, Stornoway from 17 to 20 July.

Visit the Scottish Gaelic Week website to find out more about the celebrations

Find out more about HebCelt on their website and the following social channels:

Volunteers posing with a sign at an event

Volunteer Gaelic Team at HebCelt (credit: HebCelt)

A’ comharrachadh Seachdain na Gàidhlig le HebCelt

Airson Seachdain na Gàidhlig (19 - 25) a comharrachadh, bhruidhinn sinn ri sgioba HebCelt airson barrachd fhaighinn a-mach mun fhèis, na ceanglaichean a th’acasan ri Gàidhlig agus na tha iadsan a’ dèanamh son a chomharrachadh.

Tha cultar agus cànan na Gàidhlig mar phàirt mhòr de dh’aithne nan Eilean Siar. Innis dhuinn barrachd mun àite th’ aca seo aig HebCelt.

Se fèis a th’ ann an HebCelt a tha tarraing air an dualchas is cultar a tha mun cuairt oirnn, is tha a’ Ghàidhlig riamh air a bhi aig cridhe sin - tha i nar fhuil. Tha sinn moiteil gun tèid againn àrd-ùrlar a thoirt do luchd ciùil Gàidhlig, agus an taisbeanadh do luchd amhairc agus luchd èisteachd nas fharsainne. Ge bith an ann aig a’ Ghearra Cruaidh fhèin, aig ionad ealain An Lanntair, neo a-muigh sa choimhearsnachd.

Tron Fhèis, tha sinn a’ brosnachadh dhaoine gus beagan Gàidhlig ionnsachadh cuideachd, le bùithdean obrach a tha sinn a’ ruith cuide ri Oilthig na Gàidhealtachd ‘s nan Eilean. Tha an Sgioba Gàidhlig againn an lathair fad na seachdain gus daoine a bhrosnachadh is faclan neo seantansan ùra ionnsachadh dhaibh.

Band performing on stage at a festival

Kinnaris Quintet air àrd-ùrlar HebCelt ann an 2023 (dealbh: HebCelt)

A bheil tachartsan sam bith gu bhith agaibh airson Seachdain na Gàidhlig?

Airson Seachdain na Gàidhlig, chòrdadh e dhuinn gu mòr nan drachadh aig daoine briathrachas ùr ionnsachadh a thèid aca fheuchainn nuair a thig iad a Steòrnabhagh airson an 17mh - 20mh Iuchar. Bidh sinn a’ sgaoileadh tuilleadh fiosrachadh an t-seachdain-sa mu cò tha gu bhi cluich aig an Fhèis, le luchd ciùil Gàidhlig sgoinneil nan measg!

Dè am facal neo abairt Ghàidhlig a chleachdadh tu airson HebCelt a mhìneachadh agus innis dhuinn mu dheidhinn.

“Fuaim na Samhraidh”

Stèidhichte ann an Leòdhas anns na h-Eileanan an Iar, cridhe cultar is cànan nan Gàidheil, tha HebCelt air àite fhaighinn dha fhèin mar fhèis a tha tarraing dhaoine bheò air feadh an t-saoghail ach aig an aon àm a’ cumail freumhan làidir ionadail. ‘S e fèis fàilteachail is càirdeal a th’ unnainn, a’ dion is a’ taisbeanadh ar dualchas. Aig cridhe sin, tha ceòl traidiseanta is ceòl Gàidhlig, a tha nam pàirtean luachmhor dhe ar n’ eachdraidh, agus ar beatha an diugh. Tha e measgachadh an tàlant ionadail is fheàrr, le sàr luchd ciùil Albannach, Breatannach, is bho air feadh an t-saoghail. Luchd ciùil air a bheil sinn uile eòlach, agus feadhainn a tha dìreach a’ nochdadh - tha rud ann aison a h-uile duine.

Person making a model of a festival site

Pròiseact ealain le An Lanntair aig HebCelt (dealbh: HebCelt)

Innis dhuinn beagan mu HebCelt, ‘on a thòisich e ann an 1996.

‘S e carthannas a th’ ann an Urras Fèis Cheilteach Innse Gall. Tha e stèidhichte gu làidir sa choimhearsnachd, air a ruith cha mhòr air fad gu saor-thoileach. A’ tachairt thar ceithir latha gach Iuchar, tha am Fèis air fàs bho thachartas beag airson nas lugha na 1,000 neach, gu fèis eadar-nàiseanta airson ceòl roots, Ceilteach, is traidiseanta le corr is 19,500 a-nis a’ tighinn ann thar ceithir latha. Sa chòig bliadhna fichead a tha HebCelt air a bhi dol, tha sinn air còrr is £34 million a chuir ris an eaconamaidh ionadail, rud a tha sinn gu math moiteal mu dheidhinn.

Tha grùnn luchd ciùil ainmeil air tighinn a Leòdhas airson cluich aig HebCelt tron na bliadhnaichean - nam measg, Van Morrison, Saw Doctors, Julie Fowlis, Runrig, Capercaillie, La Bottine Souriante, Afro Celt Sound System agus gu leòr eile.

Thèid HebCelt 2024 a chumail sa Ghearra-chruaidh ann an Steòrnabhagh, eadar 17mh is 20mh Iuchar.

Faigh a-mach barrachd mu Seachdain na Gàidhlig air an làrach-linn.

Faigh a-mach barrachd mu HebCelt:

Volunteers posing with a sign at an eventSgioba Ghàidhlig soar-thoileach aig HebCelt (dealbh: HebCelt)

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