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Article published 24/01/2022

Most people will not need to take a test

Following agreement at a cross-UK meeting, testing requirements for fully vaccinated people arriving in Scotland are to be dropped and further work will be done on a new surveillance system to monitor the border.

Testing will no longer be a requirement for all adults who have completed a full course of an approved vaccine, usually at least two doses. Children under the age of 18 continue to be treated as fully vaccinated.

Travellers will still need to fill in passenger locator forms and face coverings will still be required at Scottish airports in line with wider health advice.

Non vaccinated travellers will still be required to take pre-departure tests and a PCR test on or before day two – but the requirement for isolation will end – and they will no longer have to take a day eight test.

The measures were agreed by the Scottish Government following engagement with all four nations and will protect the travel and tourism sectors north of the border.

The new measures come into effect at 4am on 11 February 2022.

Further information on other countries’ requirements is available in UK Government international travel guidance.