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Article published 02/11/2022

New regional tourism strategy

Tourism partners in the Ayrshire and Arran region have been working together to create a new Regional Visitor Economy Strategy.

The Ayrshire and Arran Destination Alliance (AADA) has been working with East, North and South Ayrshire Councils, VisitScotland and Scottish Enterprise to develop a strategy which will take the industry forward to 2030 and reflects:

  • the latest thinking from Scottish Government on economic development
  • the National Tourism Strategy (Outlook 2030)
  • the Ayrshire Regional Economic Partnership where tourism is one of the focus sectors

Four priorities

The strategy has identified four priorities where the sector will work together to rebuild and develop a thriving and inclusive visitor economy throughout the region:

  1. Connecting our high quality, memorable experiences with each other and our visitors
  2. Connecting our diverse businesses to grow and build community prosperity
  3. Using the talent and creativity of our people to regenerate the region
  4. Enhancing our environment for the benefit of visitors and communities

Workshop details | sign up

Now that the priorities have been set, businesses from the region are invited to participate in one of four workshops to help shape the action plan to deliver the strategy. 

At the workshop, one of the members of the Visitor Economy Leadership Group will provide an overview of the strategy.

The group will then be invited to share ideas and suggestions on how each of the priorities in the strategy should be progressed.

Sign up to a workshop near you:

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