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Visit Scotland | Alba
Article published 04/03/2022

Boost for Dundee's economy

Dundee’s revamped Christmas offering was visited by over 267,500 people and generated £2.6m for the city’s economy, it was revealed on Thursday (3 March 2022).

Christmas in Dundee 2021 featured the Winterfest event in Slessor Gardens, which included a festive market, skating rink and a big wheel, as well as a winter wonderland in City Square and new Christmas lights in the streets.

An evaluation of the Christmas activity has now been completed – and it revealed the event was hugely popular with visitors.

Plans are now being put in place to ensure Dundee city centre is once again the place to be, for locals and visitors alike, during the 2022 Christmas period.

We promised we'd build a bigger and better celebration for Christmas 2021 and that’s what we’ve achieved. The surveys that were done with hundreds of visitors showed that 90% rated the event as good or very good, while 88% had a more positive impression of Dundee due to the activities. By whatever measure you look at – the enjoyment of those who attended or the economic impacts of the event – it’s been a huge success.

Councillor Mark Flynn

What the surveys said

A team of evaluators conducted site surveys to measure social and economic impact and to monitor the audience demographics and event experience.

The survey found that over two-thirds said attending had a very positive impact on their health and wellbeing. A further 68% said that the event helped with "quality time with my family.”

Just some of the economic impact findings where that just under three in ten people who attended were visitors to the city and that 84 temporary jobs were created.

I want the kind of superb Christmas offering that Dundee had in 2021 to be a permanent fixture, and we are already planning for this year. That doesn’t mean it has to be exactly the same – we want to learn from 2021 so that we can build and improve.

We also want to harness the positivity and get others on board, particularly businesses who might want to get involved and help us to offer something even bigger and better next year.

Councillor John Alexander, Leader of Dundee City Council

Christmas In Dundee 2021 was funded by Dundee City Council, with support from EventScotland.

We were delighted to support Christmas in Dundee 2021 through Scotland’s Events Recovery Fund, established by EventScotland in conjunction with funding from the Scottish Government.

Scotland is the perfect stage for events and it is wonderful to see the positive impact the Christmas activity had on visitors and the community as a whole. It reinforces the important role events play both to our communities and the country as a whole.

Paul Bush OBE, Director of Events

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