Next stage of National Park consultation
The next stage of the Scottish Government’s commitment to establish at least one new National Park in the lifetime of this parliament, by spring 2026, begins today (7 October) with the launch of a consultation.
The New National Park stakeholder consultation, led by NatureScot, is inviting contributions which will help define how a new National Park will:
- protect and restore nature
- tackle climate change
- promote sustainable land use
It follows on from The Future for National Parks in Scotland online discussion launched earlier this year by the Scottish Government
NatureScot has already established a national stakeholder advisory group to bring together a wide range of organisations and sectors with an interest in achieving this goal.
Now further key stakeholder and interest groups from across Scotland’s local authorities, visitor destination groups, conservation, planning and education bodies are being invited to contribute to the new National Park consultation about the role of Scotland’s National Parks and the criteria for selecting a new one.