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Article published 05/05/2022

One year on from the publication of the Action Plan for the Glasgow industry’s recovery, city tourism partners Glasgow Life, Scottish Enterprise and VisitScotland have put together an update for businesses and stakeholders on our collective activity to deliver on the ambition of the Glasgow Tourism and Visitor Plan to 2023.

What is the Glasgow Tourism and Visitor Plan?

Launched in 2017, Glasgow Tourism and Visitor Plan to 2023 is the framework for the city’s tourism ambitions.

Its development was led by the city tourism strategy partners – Glasgow Life, Scottish Enterprise and VisitScotland – and to support our city through a strong, sustainable tourism sector which delivers a great experience for the visitor and economic benefits for the city.

The plan was reviewed in early 2020, underlining the strength of the city’s distinct cultural assets including heritage, music, contemporary art, events, sporting city and Mackintosh, while adding the growing importance of sustainability and food and drink. From that review, we also published an Action Plan last spring.

That Action Plan is the route map to recovery from the global pandemic for Glasgow’s tourism sector, as we work with partners and industry to restore our great city to success.

In line with the national tourism strategy Scotland Outlook 2030, it’s time for a fresh, more responsible approach to Glasgow’s visitor economy that balances the interests of residents, visitors and businesses, and achieves better outcomes for our communities. A city that is great to live in, is also one that’s great to visit.

Peter Lederer, Chair, Glasgow Tourism Partnership

A round up of the past year’s progress on the Action Plan

The city tourism partners – Glasgow Life, Scottish Enterprise and VisitScotland – have put together an update for you to find out how we’ve been delivering on the Action Plan over the past year, covering activity across the plan’s four key pillars:

  • Sharing our cultural city
  • Developing innovative and competitive products and service
  • Supporting seamless journeys
  • Building on events

Read the 2021 – 2022 update for the Glasgow Tourism and Visitor Plan on the Glasgowlife website.

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