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Article published 25/04/2022

Scottish tourism businesses engaged directly with tour operators, travel advisors and destination management companies representing key global markets at our virtual travel trade event, Discover Scotland: Reconnect 2022, earlier this month. A key focus of this event was to once again drive bookings from international visitors, and positioning Scotland as a must-visit destination. 

Discover Scotland: Reconnect 2022 is part of our activity to re-build international tourism demand while supporting the country’s ambitions to be a leading destination for responsible tourism.  

During 5 - 7 April, 324 Scottish businesses engaged virtually with 298 international tour operators and travel agents from 21 global markets.

4,455 meetings were facilitated on the virtual platform through 1-2-1 meetings, highlighting the best of Scotland’s responsible tourism products.  

While inbound travel accounts for a fifth of all visitors to Scotland, it provides more than 40% of the overall spending. Scotland’s key international markets according to spend pre-pandemic were USA, Germany, Australia, China and France.

Domestic visitors have been driving the recovery following the impact of COVID-19, but the return of our international visitors is a major step towards the responsible recovery of Scottish tourism.  

Discover Scotland 2022 enables Scottish businesses to connect with key buyers from around the globe to help attract visitors, from near and far, to help rebuild Scotland’s valuable tourism industry. As well as the economic benefits of engaging with global markets, Discover Scotland was a hugely enjoyable week in terms of reconnecting with colleagues and customers from around the world. We look forward to sharing our stunning landscapes, history, culture and warm welcome with visitors this summer and beyond.

Malcolm Roughead OBE, Chief Executive at VisitScotland

Discover Scotland: Reconnect 2022 marked our third virtual event and demonstrated the significant global demand and interest in Scottish tourism products and experiences. This event connected 324 Scottish tourism exhibitors with 298 global buyers generating 4455 meetings over three days to discuss contracting and product development. This event is critical to our recovery efforts and its success is testament to all of the hard work and collaboration from all of the teams involved.

Siobhan Rieley, Senior Global Partnerships Development Manager (interim), VisitScotland

It was a pleasure to attend the Discover Scotland event to promote the new Moffat Distillery to worldwide buyers by a very well-organised online meeting system organised by VisitScotland giving us the opportunity to interact with travel trade colleagues. Roll on face-to-face meetings in the future.

Idy Davidson, Sales & Marketing Pioneer, Dark Sky Spirits based in Moffat

Discover Scotland was a wonderful platform for me as a small unique tour operator in Edinburgh to be able to meet and talk - albeit remotely- to so many travel operators who were interested in my food walking classes and cookery classes. I hope I will get some bookings for 2022 and also for 2023, but it was great to make the connection.

Nell Nelson, Owner, Edinburgh Food Safari

Discover Scotland 2022 has been timely and vital in facilitating a reconnection with our partners. The OnAir platform is great and provides easy access to supplier's collateral, media and contact details. The sessions have been interesting and relevant the message about sustainability is loud and clear, we no longer see this as something we should be thinking about but instead we are working hard to make it our way of doing business.

Nick Landy, Supplier Relationship Manager with Brendan Vacations, whose main market is the USA

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